Jersey tiger

(Euplagia quadripunctuaria)

This is a diurnal moth in the Erebidae family. It is important for conservation and is protected by the Habitat Directive (Annex II).


This species is present in a good part of Europe and Western Asia. It is found throughout the Italian peninsula and in Sicily.


The forewings are black with yellow mimetic stripes. If it senses it has been seen, it shows its red hindwings to frighten away the possible predator.


It favours forest environments with a fresh, damp microclimate.

Observation in the Torbiera Reserve

The first confirmed observation in the Reserve came in 2014, and a handful of other sightings have occurred since then. With a bit of luck, this moth can be seen in the few forested areas, or as it forages among the hemp-agrimony flowers (Eupatorium cannabinum).

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