Common blue

(polyommatus icarus)

A small butterfly with a wingspan between 25 and 28 mm pertaining to the Lycaenidae family. The larvae feed on legumes.


This species is present in Europe and Asia. It was recently introduced in North America, where its range has expanded year after year. In Italy, it is found in all regions except Sicily and Sardinia.


The common blue is one of the most frequent and adaptable species in the Lycaenidae family. The easiest way to distinguish the males from the females is to look at the upper side of the wings. It is blue for males, while the females have brown wings with orange spots.


The common blue prefers meadows, either natural or artificial, with a large array of flowers pertaining to different families.

Observation in the Torbiera Reserve

It is easy to see in grassy, flowered areas of the Reserve between March and October. It can be seen feeding on alfalfa (Medicago sativa).

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