Wetland forests
The species
The most characteristic tree is the black alder (Alnus glutinosa) followed by the white willow (Salix alba), black poplar (Populus nigra) and ash (Fraxinus Excelsior). In the undergrowth you can see some shrubs like dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), bramble (Robus ulmifolius), frangula (Frangula alnus) and the ashy willow (Salix cinerea). The grass is full of sedges (Carex spp.) and swap’s fern (Thelypteris palustris).
In the Reserve there aren’t big woods, but there are some small remains.
Before the man came, the Po Plain was a full of alluvial forests, typical woods with soil rich of water. Later on, they became more and more rare because of the land reclamation and the use of the soil for agriculture.
According to the European Union the preservation of hydrophilic woods is very important: they are considered a priority by the Habitat Guideline
The specie symbol of the alluvial forest is amphibious. In particular, the frog of Lataste (Rana latastei) is a specific type you can find only in the Po Plain. In the Reserve you can also see the agile frog (Rana dalmatina), the Italian agile frog (Hyla intermedia) and the green frog (Pelophylax spp). You can also find newts, the Italian crested newt (Triturus carnifex).