This project was carried out under the Regional programme for territorial projects to protect biodiversity – Life Gestire 2020.
The goal of the project to strengthen the weirs and divisions in the Lame to encourage the development of habitats to protect wetland aquatic birds.
The project was carried out in the Lame, which contains a series of weirs subject to natural erosion that are destined to disappear over time. This process has led to a reduction in the most important areas for shelter and nest building in the Sebino peat bogs. The ultimate end is an environment featuring only one body of water with no elements to diversify the area, with the resulting drastic reduction in bird communities.
Description of the Interventions
Solutions were applied to enlarge the spaces occupied by the weirs, ensuring their preservation over time and guaranteeing an increase and improvement in riparian grass habitats. Specifically, a cribwall was built using upright chestnut wood piles with worked ends for driving and a grid of horizontal half piles of chestnut wood joined together.
This goal also aims to benefit aquatic birds, which will find new places suitable for nest building. After expanding the divisions identified in the project, vegetation typical of the weirs such as magnocaricetea and rushes was planted.