Pond Slider

(Trachemys scripta)

Originally from North and Central America and the North-Western regions of South America, these are the most commercialized reptiles in the world. Rilasciata da persone che la tenevano come animale da compagnia. Very invasive.


Originally from North and Central America and the North-Western regions of South America (Colombia and Venezuela), these are the most commercialized reptiles in the world, now present from Asia to the Caribbean, Israel, Bahrain, South Africa, and many European countries.


They are included on the list of most damaging invasive species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the list of Invasive Alien Species approved by the European Commission. In Europe, these turtles compete for both food and land with European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis), which are currently in severe decline (absent in the Torbiere Reserve).


They live in lakes, ponds, and slow-moving rivers with muddy banks and abundant aquatic plants.  They were introduced into Italy in the 1970s and are now widespread around the country. It is estimated that there are about 900,000 invasive turtles in Italy, leading to their abundant spread in waterways, fountains, and lakes in public parks. Since 2016, the European Union has suspended the importation of turtles in the Trachemys genus.

Observation in the Torbiera Reserve

They can be easily observed in the Reserve in the clay basins.

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