Central path

The heart of the natural reserve

You must follow the rules: in the Reserve you are a host and you should avoid making loud noises, let yourself be embraced by the nature and its sounds. The proximity of the water and a free vision on all the Lama allows to see and observe all the place in its glory.

The central route is the most suggestive walk, but it’s also the most delicate. By walking on the bridges and strips of land you can go through the heart of the Natural Reserve.

The most peculiar thing about the central route is its scenic beauty. On the South you can see the morainic hill of Provaglio d’Iseo and the Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa. On the West there’s Monte Alto, and if you watch the horizon towards the North, you can see the outlines of Monte Isola, the Almana mountaintop, the Gugliemo mountain and the alpine mountain chain of Adamello.


If you find a gate that doesn’t allow you to go through that means that the central route is closed and you have to walk towards the North. The closure of the central route is necessary to guarantee the nesting. This period of time is too delicate to give access to the visitators. The birds need the most peace possible and the less disturb to lay their eggs and grow their babies. Remember that the man is perceived as a predator!

Visit the website to know when the route will open.

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