
Wetlands are places temporarily or always wet. They can be natural or manmade like wet fields, swamps and moorlands. These ecosystems are a small portion of the Earth’s surface but they’re very important for life because they allow a high biodiversity.

Even though they aren’t much big, the Torbiere del Sebino (360 hectares) are significantly important, more so if you consider that there are in an urban area like Franciacorta and the Po Plain.


Wetlands are the most endangered environments of the planet because of land reclamation and urbanization. In the 20th century 90% of these areas went missing in Europe.


  • They host lots of different species.
  • They control and limit floods.
  • They are useful for phytodepuration: they purify water by holding back organic and chemical polluted substances.
  • They absorb carbon dioxide.
  • They are important for a naturalistic tourism where people can rediscover the nature.


The copresence of both soil and water allows the survival of lots of living creatures. The rich marsh vegetation is the perfect habitat for insects, birds, mammals and other species like mushrooms, mosses and bacteria.

Even small areas can be very important thanks to the presence of endemism (species you can find in few places) or migratory birds that in here can find a place for reproduction, resting and wintering

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